A little later this month than I had planned, but it is time for a brand new Friday Flash! Last month, there was a great photo and great stories that you can read here. Here is this month’s photo for inspiration!

Inspired? Here is how you can participate:

1-Write a flash fiction story using this image–or not–with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
2-If you need a primers on how to write flash fiction, read this post by Friday Flash contributor, Adrea Kore and Malin James’ Sex in Flash session from this year’s Eroticon.
2-Use the link below to add your story.
4-Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
5-The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month–April 28–but you are welcome to post your story before then!
6-Use this nifty badge with your post: