This sculpture was one of several featured at the Brooklyn Museum. I did a close up of all of them, and this one was so compelling to me. A brief reminder, the image is lovely to me but you are free to flash me something that inspires you–not necessarily this.

As always, this bonus challenge is optional as well via Beatrix B. (@ThePinkSeam), as is the prompt. However should you choose to take up the gauntlet, here are a few extra word-counts to try for this week:

500 words = Good job!

300 words = Even better!

100 words = Positively mental!

55 words = Wow…impressive!

Ready to flash me?!

1-Write a flash fiction story using this image–or not–with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
2-If you need a primers on how to write flash fiction, read this post by Friday Flash contributor, Adrea Kore and Malin James’ Sex in Flash session from the 2017  Eroticon.
2-Use the link below to add your story.
4-Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
5-The story should be posted by November 25–you are welcome to post your story before then!
6-Use this nifty badge with your post:

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