This prompt is a little late–I left the previous one for New Year open longer because of it. You can read all of those stories here. Now for the new prompt! I got this gorgeous photo from Patricia Johnson. She told me the story behind it at Pleasure Salon, which she is the co-founder of. I want you to tell me a story! You can use the prompt or not, but FLASH ME regardless!!!
Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:
- Write a flash fiction story using this image, with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
- If you need a primer on how to write flash fiction, read this post by frequent Friday Flash contributor, Adrea Kore.
- Use the link below to add your story.
- Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
- The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month, and you are welcome to post your story before then.
- Use this nifty badge with your post:
Ready? Go–flash me before or on February 24th!
Micro-Fiction: ‘Dirty Martinis’
"[…] despite being busy, I decided to ‘just do it’ and write a ..."
#SoSS #103: The Identity Edition – Rebel's Notes
"[…] No. 72 — Red Heart […] "
My First Friday Flash – Red Heart – Cruel Princess
"[…] Flash is a weekly challenge for sex bloggers dreamed up by F. ..."
Hundred & More #SoSS #100 – Rebel's Notes
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Fairies & Classics #SoSS #96 – Rebel's Notes
"[…] No. 67 via @oh_tom_starling !!! […] "