I loved this tattoo, I also loved the owner, who was kind enough to let me take a photo of her on an rainy turned sunny day outside of a cafe randomly. Remember the picture is a prompt, but your flash does not have to be about it and can be fiction or nonfiction.

Cannot wait to see what you come up with!

Ready to flash me? Here are the rules!

1-Write a flash fiction story using this image–or not–with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
2-If you need a primers on how to write flash fiction, read this post by Friday Flash contributor, Adrea Kore and Malin James’ Sex in Flash session from the 2017  Eroticon.
2-Use the link below to add your story.
4-Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
5-The story should be posted by September 8–you are welcome to post your story before then!
6-Use this nifty badge with your post:

Friday Flash is now weekly, I am planning a lot of cool things for the future, so stay tuned!

Like my stories and Friday Flash? Buy me a coffee, and I will write a personalized flash story just for you! And of course, make Friday Flash bigger and greater!

Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

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