Friday Flash

a flashy fiction meme

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Friday Flash–the Thirteenth!!!

Hopefully, you are not triskaidekaphobic! This is the thirteenth Friday Flash! Last month, there were great flash stories that you can read here. This month, I have an AWESOME photo from The Lust Jedi that you can use for your inspiration!

I also have a new link to the AMAZING Eroticon session that Malin James gave on flash fiction!

Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:

1-Write a flash fiction story using this image–or not–with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
2-If you need a primer on how to write flash fiction, read this post by Friday Flash contributor, Adrea Kore.
2-Use the link below to add your story.
4-Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
5-The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month–March 24–but you are welcome to post your story before then.
6-Use this nifty badge with your post:

Friday Flash No. 12 — Lovers’ Bench

This prompt is a little late–I left the previous one for New Year open longer because of it. You can read all of those stories here. Now for the new prompt! I got this gorgeous photo from Patricia Johnson. She told me the story behind it at Pleasure Salon, which she is the co-founder of. I want you to tell me a story! You can use the prompt or not, but FLASH ME regardless!!!

Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:

  1. Write a flash fiction story using this image, with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
  2. If you need a primer on how to write flash fiction, read this post by frequent Friday Flash contributor, Adrea Kore.
  3. Use the link below to add your story.
  4. Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
  5. The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month, and you are welcome to post your story before then.
  6. Use this nifty badge with your post:

Ready? Go–flash me before or on February 24th!

Friday Flash No. 11 — Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! So happy to be back after a break, and here we are in the new year! Hmmm, why not make that the prompt for this month? Write up something flashy to start the year right!!!


Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:

  1. Write a flash fiction story using this image, with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
  2. If you need a primer on how to write flash fiction, read this post by frequent Friday Flash contributor, Adrea Kore.
  3. Use the link below to add your story.
  4. Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
  5. The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month, and you are welcome to post your story before then.
  6. Use this nifty badge with your post:

Ready? Go–flash me before or on January 27!


Friday Flash No. 10 — Expect the Unexpected

Love is love! For Flash No. 9, we explored all things love–you can see all of the love stories here. This month–expect the unexpected! This photo has a backstory–but I want your take! #flashme


Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:

  1. Write a flash fiction story using this image, with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
  2. If you need a primer on how to write flash fiction, read this post by frequent Friday Flash contributor, Adrea Kore.
  3. Use the link below to add your story.
  4. Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
  5. The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month, and you are welcome to post your story before then.
  6. Use this nifty badge with your post:

friday flash badge
Ready? Go–flash me before or on November 25.

Friday Flash No. 9 — Love is Love

Last month, we thumbed our way through vintage Playboys! You can see all of the flash stories for that here. This month? Love is love! This photo has a backstory–but I want yours!


Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:

  1. Write a flash fiction story using this image, with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
  2. Use the link below to add your story.
  3. Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
  4. The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month, and you are welcome to post your story before then.
  5. Use this nifty badge with your post:

friday flash badge
Ready? Go–flash me before or on October 28.


Friday Flash No. 8 — Vintage Playboy

Last month, I chose the wondrous theme of a wonder wheel! You can see all of the flash stories for that here. This month, let’s explore vintage Playboys! This photo has a backstory–but I want yours!


Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:

  1. Write a flash fiction story using this image, with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
  2. Use the link below to add your story.
  3. Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
  4. The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month, and you are welcome to post your story before then.
  5. Use this nifty badge with your post:

friday flash badge
Ready? Go–flash me before or on September 23.

Friday Flash No. 7 — Wonder Wheel

Last month, I chose the theme “Leaving An Italian Restaurant,” you can see all of the flash stories for that here. This month we are going to explore the Wonder Wheel! My photo has a backstory–but I want to read yours!


Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:

  1. Write a flash fiction story using this image, with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
  2. Use the link below to add your story.
  3. Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
  4. The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month, and you are welcome to post your story before then.
  5. Use this nifty badge with your post:

friday flash badge
Ready? Go–flash me before or on Aug 26.

Friday Flash No. 6 — Leaving an Italian Restaurant

Last month, I got AMAZING service stories with prompt number five–read them if you have not already! I took this photo of a photo, as I was walking out of an Italian restaurant. The light that reflected on it, gave it more character to me. You? I definitely want to see your narrative. As ever, I am always ready to be flashed!


Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:

  1. Write a flash fiction story using this image, with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
  2. Use the link below to add your story.
  3. Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
  4. The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month, and you are welcome to post your story before then.
  5. Use this nifty badge with your post:

friday flash badge
Ready? Go–flash me before or on July 22.

Friday Flash No. 5 — Service

I’ve been away, I was in the UK for Eroticon, and then in London for pleasure! I am as ever thrilled to present you with a brand-new Friday Flash prompt! There is always a story behind a photograph, but I want you to tell me yours…

FullSizeRender (1)

Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:

  1. Write a flash fiction story using this image, with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
  2. Use the link below to add your story.
  3. Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
  4. The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month, and you are welcome to post your story before then.
  5. Use this nifty badge with your post:

friday flash badge
Ready? Go–flash me before or on June 24th!!!


Friday Flash No. 4 – Typewriter

I am loving hosting Friday Flash, the last one was filled with such amazing stories from regulars and newcomers alike! Below is the new photo for this month, I hope it gets you nice and inspired to flash me!

old-fashioned typewriter

Inspired? Ready to write? Here are the rules:

  1. Write a flash fiction story using this image, with no more than 500 words. (Kristina Lloyd told me this is the perfect length for flash fiction.)
  2. Use the link below to add your story.
  3. Promote your story on social media. On Twitter, use #friflash
  4. The story should be posted by the fourth Friday of the month, and you are welcome to post your story before then.
  5. Use this nifty badge with your post:

friday flash badge
Ready? Go–flash me before or on May 27th!!!

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